About Us

About Hima Care Home

The disintegration of family and social bonds is one of the major issues that we face even when we move forward in enjoying the amenities that modern world has provided for us. Increasing discordances in family relationships, old age and prolonged incurable diseases render many a people destitute. They are either with no close relatives or thrown away to streets by their own relatives. HIMA takes up a double role here – one by protecting those who have no family members to take care of them and the second by giving proper counseling for those who leave the weak and helpless members of their own family unattended. For this HIMA wish to establish a family counseling center. The center will provide a platform for the members of such disintegrated families to open up their mind, to solve their problems and to nurture in them human values that will undoubtedly encourage them to suffer and sacrifice for protecting the weak among them.

There are instances where we come across people with mental or physical problems or geriatric disorders wandering in streets with no one to care and protect them. HIMA aims at establishing a care home with all necessary facilities to look after them. It is a loadable and merciful act that will surely be rewarded properly by Allah.

Another social problem that should attract our attention and encourage us to initiate corrective measures is the increasing use of narcotics especially by the youth and even by the adolescents. It ruins a generation by victimizing them in young and healthy stages of life. Once victimized they cannot escape from its hold. De-addiction centers with systematic and scientific interference can emancipate them from the powerful hold of this social evil. HIMA intends to establish such a de-addiction center.

The first step towards the establishment of these centers have been made on 5-2-2014 by Sayyid Hyderali Shihab Thangal, the chief patron of the center in the land donated by Janab A.P. Bappu Haji. The construction work of the main building and Hima Love Homes is in final stage. With the completion of the canteen and the prayer hall buildings we wish to inaugurate the functioning of the HIMA home care centre and the family counseling center. For this we expect your wholehearted help and support.

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HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu
HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu
HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu
HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu

Our Director Board

HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu

സലാം ഫൈസി

HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu

ഖാലിദ് മാസ്റ്റർ

HIMA CARE HOME - Haven of Intimacy & Merciful atmosphere, Kalikavu

ബഹാഉദ്ധീൻ ഫൈസി